Festive Extras

We offer a great selection of extras to add to your party. Please scroll down to see all that we can offer your enchanted day.

* PRINCESS APPEARANCE:  Add a Princess Appearance to your Royal Party.  Our Princess will come for 60 minutes to entertain and mingle with your guests.  This is an enchanting addition to any party that is sure to make you mom of the year! The Princess will appear during hair and makeup time to keep the young Princesses and guests entertained. This may be added to the carriage ride.

Cost is $85 for a 2 hour party at the Princess Parlor and $150/hr for parties hosted at your home (mileage restrictions do apply add $50 for travel outside of Cleveland). Pairs of Princesses are available at discounted rates of $120 for Parlor parties and $240 for home based parties. Based on availability.  **We do not call these Princess Disney brand names for copyright purposes. However, the ladies that play our Princess roles are trained, professional, and impressive.
The Arabian Princess
The Mermaid Princess


Snow White


The Ice Queen and her Sister

Sleeping Beauty

We have 9 princess characters available.
We also offer Superhero character options for home parties.

Spider Guy
Not pictured...Jedi Warrior

* TAKE HOME TEA: The Birthday Girl may choose from our selection of fine China cups for sale to use during the party.  The cup will then be cleaned and wrapped in Princess Parlor sytle with a sampling of our tea to take home.  Cost determined by tea cup of choice prices from $10 and up.

* TIARA FOR A PRINCESS: The Birthday Girl's  tiara worn during the party may be purchased and worn home for $10.

*We have an assortment of adjustable jeweled kids rings that may be purchased as favors for $3.  This is a great end of the party parting gift for your guests.  Little girls love rings! We recommend having the Birthday Girl hold the ring display and allow the guests to choose one from her.

*We also sell  Handmade Tutus and a selection of Princess Hairbows.

FOR THE BOYS:  We have Knight costumes for the boys that would need to come.  We recommend that they come dressed in black shirt and dark pants. It is not recommended that you invite extra boys to join the party as the Parlor is not designed for boy parties. Please refrain from bringing swords or sword like toys for the boys to play with during the party.